• Alexander Boshishvili Assistant Professor in History at Faculty of Humanities, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


Article deals with the history of Meskhetian noble family of Dolenjishvili whose traditional first name was Kandurali. They owned the estates in the provinces of Ardahan and Erzurum. In the 16th century one of the Kanduralis provided certain help to the Ottoman Sultan against Iran and he received the land with the revenue of 300 akchas.Dolenjishvilis were distinguished as the confidents of the princes from Jakeli dynasty. In 1576 during the feudal war in Meskheti, next Kandurali Dolenjishvili assisted the members of Jakeli family. Other nobles had planned to annihilate the Jakelis, but Kandurali informed them about that danger. One of the Dolenjishvilis accompanied Manuchar III Jakeli when he moved to Kartli in 1624.Finally, they established themselves in Kartli in 40-50-ies of the 17th century and received the rank of “tavadi” (prince). Their princedom was located in the gorge of Dmanisi and in Kaikuli near the border of Akhaltsikhe pashalic and existed up to the end of the 18th century.